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Bishop Blake, Larry Morrow & Jesseca Dupart donate $10,000 to Kenner booster clubs

Bishop Blake, Larry Morrow & Jesseca Dupart donate $10,000 to Kenner booster clubs

In response to the announcement of Nike's new campaign with Colin Kaepernick, Kenner's mayor, Ben Zahn imposed a Nike ban at booster clubs.

Read more here: When You Hate a Black Man's Silent Protest So Much, You Ban Nike In Your City

Unhappy with the decision, Kenner resident, Larry Morrow organized a peaceful protest for the people of Kenner at Susan Park. Dozens gathered to express their disagreement with the mayor's decision, in hopes of making a difference and igniting change.

Read more: Dozen attend protest against Kenner Nike ban

The Advocate

The Times-Picayne

Following the protest, the ban was lifted. This goes to show that there is power in numbers and you have to be the change you wish to see. 

Amid uproar, Louisiana mayor rescinds order banning Nike products in wake of Kaepernick ad

Louisiana town Mayor lifts Nike ban after protests

On Monday, September 17, Bishop Blake @srblakes, Larry Morrow @larry_morrow & Jesseca Dupart @darealbbjudy donate $10,000 to Kenner youth booster clubs. 

Jesseca Dupart @darealbbjudy of Kaleidoscope Hair Products @kaleidoscopehairproducts 

Bishop Samuel R Blake @srblakes of New Home Family Worship Center or New Orleans, LA and Baton Rouge, LA. 

Larry Morrow @larry_morrow, Entrepreneur 

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